
Utility functions for both training autoencoder models in deepof.models and tuning hyperparameters with deepof.hypermodels.


cluster_frequencies_regularizer(soft_counts, k)

Compute the KL divergence between the cluster assignment distribution and a uniform prior across clusters.

compute_kmeans_loss(latent_means[, weight, ...])

Add a penalty to the singular values of the Gram matrix of the latent means.


Compute Shannon entropy for a given tensor.


Create a triangular matrix containing an increasing amount of ones from left to right on each subsequent row.


Given an input sequence, it creates all necessary masks to pass it through the transformer architecture.


Create a padding mask, with zeros where data is missing, and ones where data is available.

dcl_loss(history, future, similarity[, ...])

Compute the DCL loss function, as described in the paper "Debiased Contrastive Learning" (

embedding_model_fitting(preprocessed_object, ...)

Trains the specified embedding model on the preprocessed data.

embedding_per_video(coordinates, ...[, ...])

Use a previously trained model to produce embeddings, soft_counts and breaks per experiment in table_dict format.

fc_loss(history, future, similarity[, ...])

Compute the FC loss function, as described in the paper "Fully-Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations" (

find_learning_rate(model, data[, epochs, ...])

Train the provided model for an epoch with an exponentially increasing learning rate.

get_angles(pos, i, d_model)

Auxiliary function for positional encoding computation.

get_callbacks(embedding_model, encoder_type)

Generate callbacks used for model training.


Compute hard counts per cluster in a differentiable way.

get_k_nearest_neighbors(tensor, k, index)

Retrieve indices of the k nearest neighbors in tensor to the vector with the specified index.

get_recurrent_block(x, latent_dim, ...)

Build a recurrent embedding block, using a 1D convolution followed by two bidirectional GRU layers.

hard_loss(history, future, similarity, ...)

Compute the Hard loss function, as described in the paper "Contrastive Learning with Hard Negative Samples" (


Log hyperparameters in tensorboard.

nce_loss(history, future, similarity[, ...])

Compute the NCE loss function, as described in the paper "A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations" (

plot_lr_vs_loss(rates, losses)

Plot learning rate versus the loss function of the model.

positional_encoding(position, d_model)

Compute positional encodings, as in

select_contrastive_loss(history, future, ...)

Select and applies the contrastive loss function to be used in the Contrastive embedding models.

tune_search(preprocessed_object, ...[, ...])

Define the search space using keras-tuner and hyperband or bayesian optimization.


ClusterControl(*args, **kwargs)

Identity layer.

CustomStopper(start_epoch, *args, **kwargs)

Custom early stopping callback.


Simple class that allows to grow learning rate exponentially during training.

ProbabilisticDecoder(*args, **kwargs)

Map the reconstruction output of a given decoder to a multivariate normal distribution.

TransformerDecoder(*args, **kwargs)

Transformer decoder.

TransformerDecoderLayer(*args, **kwargs)

Transformer decoder layer.

TransformerEncoder(*args, **kwargs)

Transformer encoder.

TransformerEncoderLayer(*args, **kwargs)

Transformer encoder layer.