Data structures for preprocessing and wrangling of motion tracking output data. This is the main module handled by the user.

There are three main data structures to pay attention to: - Project, which serves as a configuration hub for the whole pipeline - Coordinates, which acts as an intermediary between project configuration and data, and contains a plethora of processing methods to apply, and - TableDict, which is the main data structure to store the data, having experiment IDs as keys and processed time-series as values in a dictionary-like object.

For a detailed tutorial on how to use this module, see the advanced tutorials in the main section.



Load a pre-saved pickled Coordinates object.


Coordinates(project_path, project_name, ...)

Class for storing the results of a ran project.

Project([animal_ids, arena, bodypart_graph, ...])

Class for loading and preprocessing motion tracking data of individual and multiple animals.

TableDict(tabs, typ[, arena, arena_dims, ...])

Main class for storing a single dataset as a dictionary with individuals as keys and pandas.DataFrames as values.