
Functions and general utilities for supervised pose estimation. See documentation for details.


climb_wall(arena_type, arena, pos_dict, tol, ...)

Return True if the specified mouse is climbing the wall.

close_double_contact(pos_dframe, left1, ...)

Return a boolean array that's True if the specified body parts are closer than tol.

close_single_contact(pos_dframe, left, ...)

Return a boolean array that's True if the specified body parts are closer than tol.

following_path(distance_dframe, ...[, ...])

Return True if 'follower' is closer than tol to the path that followed has walked over the last specified number of frames.

frame_corners(w, h[, corners])

Return a dictionary with the corner positions of the video frame.


Return the most frequent behaviour in a window of window_size frames.

huddle(X_huddle, huddle_estimator[, animal_id])

Return true when the mouse is huddling a pretrained model.

look_around(speed_dframe, likelihood_dframe, ...)

Return true when the mouse is looking around using simple rules.

max_behaviour(behaviour_dframe[, ...])

Return the most frequent behaviour in a window of window_size frames.

outside_ellipse(x, y, e_center, e_axes, e_angle)

Auxiliar function to climb_wall and sniff_object.

rotate(origin, point, ang)

Auxiliar function to climb_wall and sniff_object.

sniff_object(speed_dframe, arena_type, ...)

Return True if the specified mouse is sniffing an object.

supervised_tagging(coord_object, raw_coords, ...)

Output a dataframe with the registered motives per frame.

tagged_video_output(coordinates, tag_dict[, ...])

Output annotated videos.