deepof.utils module


Functions and general utilities for the deepof package.

deepof.utils.align_trajectories(data[, mode])

Remove rotational variance on the trajectories.


Return a numpy.ndarray with the angles between the provided instances.


Return x,y position of the center, the lengths of the major and minor axes, and the angle of the recognised arena.


Return numpy.ndarray with information about the arena recognised from the first frames of the video.


Return the DataFrame in polar coordinates.

deepof.utils.bpart_distance(dataframe[, ...])

Return a pandas.DataFrame with the scaled distances between all pairs of body parts.

deepof.utils.closest_side(polygon, ...)

Find the closest side in other polygons to a reference side in the first polygon.


Compute the transition matrix between clusters and the autocorrelation in the sequence.


Compute a mask of the animal presence in the video.

deepof.utils.compute_areas(coords[, animal_id])

Compute relevant areas (head, torso, back, full) for the provided coordinates.

deepof.utils.compute_dist(pair_array[, ...])

Return a pandas.DataFrame with the scaled distances between a pair of body parts.

deepof.utils.connect_mouse([animal_ids, ...])

Create a nx.Graph object with the connectivity of the bodyparts in the DLC topview model for a single mouse.

deepof.utils.edges_to_weighted_adj(adj, edges)

Convert an edge feature matrix to a weighted adjacency matrix.


Enumerate all 3-node connected sequences in the given graph.


Read a random frame from the selected video, and opens an interactive GUI to let the user delineate the arena manually.

deepof.utils.filter_columns(columns, selected_id)

Given a set of TableDict columns, returns those that correspond to a given animal, specified in selected_id.

deepof.utils.filter_short_bouts(...[, ...])

Filter out cluster assignment bouts shorter than min_bout_duration.


Fit an ellipse to the provided polygon.

deepof.utils.full_outlier_mask(experiment, ...)

Iterate over all body parts of experiment, and outputs a dataframe where all x, y positions are replaced by a boolean mask, where True indicates an outlier.

deepof.utils.get_arenas(coordinates, tables, ...)

Extract arena parameters from a project or coordinates object.

deepof.utils.gmm_compute(x, n_components, ...)

Fit a Gaussian Mixture Model to the provided data and returns evaluation metrics.

deepof.utils.gmm_model_selection(x, ...[, ...])

Run GMM clustering model selection on the specified X dataframe.

deepof.utils.interpolate_outliers(...[, ...])

Mark all outliers in experiment and replaces them using a uni-variate linear interpolation approach.

deepof.utils.iterative_imputation(project, ...)

Perform iterative imputation on occluded body parts.

deepof.utils.kleinberg(offsets[, s, gamma, ...])

Apply Kleinberg's algorithm (described in 'Bursty and Hierarchical Structure in Streams').


deepof.utils.load_table(tab, table_path, ...)

Loads a table into a structured pandas data frame.

deepof.utils.mask_outliers(time_series, ...)

Return a mask over the bivariate trajectory of a body part, identifying as True all detected outliers.

deepof.utils.moving_average(time_series[, lag])

Fast implementation of a moving average function.

deepof.utils.rename_track_bps(loaded_tab, ...)

Renames all body parts in the provided dataframe.


Open a window and waits for the user to click on all corners of the polygonal arena.

deepof.utils.rolling_speed(dframe[, window, ...])

Return the average speed over n frames in pixels per frame.

deepof.utils.rolling_window(a, window_size, ...)

Return a 3D numpy.array with a sliding-window extra dimension.

deepof.utils.rotate(p, angles[, origin])

Return a 2D numpy.ndarray with the initial values rotated by angles radians.

deepof.utils.rupture_per_experiment(...[, ...])

Apply the rupture method independently to each experiment, and concatenate into a single dataset at the end.

deepof.utils.scale_animal(feature_array, scale)

Scales features in the provided array.

deepof.utils.scale_table(coordinates, ...[, ...])

Scales features in a table controlling for both individual body size and interanimal variability.

deepof.utils.set_missing_animals(...[, ...])

Set the coordinates of the missing animals to NaN.

deepof.utils.simplify_polygon(polygon[, ...])

Simplify a polygon using the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm.

deepof.utils.smooth_boolean_array(a[, scale])

Return a boolean array in which isolated appearances of a feature are smoothed.


Return a smoothed a trajectory using a Savitzky-Golay 1D filter.

deepof.utils.split_with_breakpoints(a, ...)

Split a numpy.ndarray at the given breakpoints.


Return the passed string as a boolean.


Return a pandas.DataFrame in which all the coordinates are polar.